
A warm welcome to the website of Noloc, the Dutch association for career professionals and jobcoaches.

Noloc has been founded in 1990, and has over 3600 members. Noloc members work as career coaches, outplacement consultants, re-integration specialists, jobcoaches and vocational counselors. More than 50% of them are independent or entrepreneurs, while the other members are employees working in development centers of companies, (semi) public organizations, education, or in consulting firms.

It is Noloc’s mission to further the professionalism and interests of its members and the career counseling and guidance profession in general. Members are obliged to respect the Noloc Code of Ethics and to submit themselves to an independent Complaints Council in the event of a complaint being lodged by a client. Noloc issues its own quality mark.

Noloc offers its members a vital network of colleagues, a huge knowledge base, over 70 professional development meetings and workshops per year, its own Academy, and possibilities for intervision and supervision. She publishes her own professional journal called Loopbaanvisie (CareerVision), and organises each year a highly valued national congress on career guidance, attended by over 800 career professionals. At national level, Noloc has ties with other professional organizations in the HR and coaching fields. 

Noloc is directed by a board and is assisted by a professional office and supported by some seven specialized committees and about 150 volunteers. The board has appointed one of the board members, as an international affairs representative, Mr Jeroen Bregman, in order to promote the international dimension and interests of Noloc. 

On an international level, Noloc not only has affiliations with IAEVG, but also with sister associations and key professionals in neighboring countries such as UK, Belgium and Germany.

As partner of projects financed by the European Commission, Noloc is also sharing its knowledge and expertise internationally.

If you have any questions or suggestions, or would like to know more about Noloc and its activities, please contact us at info@noloc.nl.