

Mariel Schaab

Land a new job | CV (Curriculum vitae) | cover letter / motivational letter | LinkedIn | Job interviews | Personal brand | AI tools for job search | New career path | Find a new educational studies
Badge Aspirant lid
  • Loopbaanontwikkeling
  • Talentontwikkeling
  • Persoonlijke ontwikkeling
  • Jobcoaching
  • Re-integratie
  • Re-integratie tweede spoor
  • Werkfit trajecten
  • Outplacement
  • Stress en burnout begeleiding
  • Studiekeuze begeleiding
  • Beroepskeuze begeleiding
  • Sollicitatiebegeleiding
  • Training/opleiding
  • Ontwikkeling loopbaanbeleid


  • 0614630463 (mobiel)


Stationsplein 1 1012 AB AMSTERDAM

Land a new job abroad or remotely | Find your professional passion with Coach4expats!

We help candidates to land a new job, rewrite their CV (Curriculum vitae), cover letter/motivational letter, optimise their LinkedIn, nail job interviews, rework their personal brand, use AI tools for their job search , find a new career path or education after career breaks or burnouts.