Elizabeth Elizabeth Njeru, drs.
- Loopbaanontwikkeling
- Stress en burnout begeleiding
- Ontwikkeling loopbaanbeleid
- 0642276994 (mobiel)
Weimarstraat 412 2562 HX 'S-GRAVENHAGE
Progress, not perfection. Start where you are now, with what you have.
“I arrived in the Netherlands at age 24, a fresh graduate from my university back in Kenya, and proceeded to do life here ~ first learning the Dutch people’s basic life skills: the language, cycling and swimming. Then studying at university in said language, getting my first job, losing that and the next job, starting to notice that even though I was really well qualified and fluent in the business language, somehow I did not seem to fit in or make progress at work.
What could it be?”
When challenges you as an organisation are experiencing specifically relate to your employee’s having international backgrounds or to a team’s intercultural set up, or when you are an international in need of a strategy that fits who you are as an individual with your unique reality of living and working as “a person who came from elsewhere, or who is seen as such,” you need a professional who not only can empathise, but who can also relate.
Elizabeth is originally from Embu, Kenya and has been living in the Netherlands for more than 20 years. It is from here that she runs her coaching, consulting, and support practice offering personalised career & expat coaching, effective and applicable strategies for (inter)cultural awareness, navigation & resilience, and both DEIB HR consulting and intercultural communication training.
Her work is not only theoretical but is also packed full of insightful real life practical case studies borrowed from her own journey as an international, and from her practice.
Elizabeth holds a doctorandus (drs.) degree from Utrecht University, is a certified intercultural readiness check practitioner, and is an active member of several international professional bodies such as SIETAR, NOLOC, ICF Global and ICF Kenya.
She is also the initiator, co-founder and chair of the Intercultural Coaching Community of practice of the Dutch Association for Professional Coaches (NOBCO-ICC). A body she initiated after realising that, out of the 500-plus EMCC-NOBCO accredited coaches in the Netherlands, she is the only one from an African country.
The community of practice has three goals: (1) to help equip the present pool of professional coaches with intercultural awareness and competencies, (2) to advocate for more cultural-representation in the available pool of professional coaches in the Netherlands, and (3) to help increase awareness, access and the uptake of professional coaching services by a wider demographic in the Netherlands.
Specialising in:
-Career & expat coaching
-Intercultural awareness, navigation & resilience for employees, management & and teams.
-Intercultural communication training
-Personalised career and expat Coaching
-Intercultural communication training (IRC certified)
-Personalised strategic DEIB Consulting for HR & Expats
All services in English, Dutch, Swahili or Kiembu.