

Valérie Rath

Life & Career Coach | Duurzame Inzetbaarheid en Werkgeluk
Badge Aspirant lid
  • Loopbaanontwikkeling
  • Talentontwikkeling
  • Persoonlijke ontwikkeling
  • Outplacement
  • Studiekeuze begeleiding
  • Beroepskeuze begeleiding
  • Sollicitatiebegeleiding
  • Training/opleiding
  • Ontwikkeling loopbaanbeleid

Shape your career, Develop your career, ImpactYourCareer

At ImpactYourCareer and at the UvA Amsterdam Business School, I coach professionals towards a job/career that fits their personality, talents and ambitions to enhance equal access to opportunity.

I focus on sustainable employability and more work happiness, with integrity, a sport mentality and "actions speak louder than words"!

💡 Individual Coaching
With goal-driven career coaching, practical tools and tailor-made trainings, I guide ambitious (young) professionals on career related questions and personal topics. Guiding them towards clear career roadmaps, effective job applications and a strong personal brand with vitality in mind.

In person or via Teams, in Dutch or English, every collaboration starts with a free introductory call/intake.


➡️ NOBCO Certified (Career) Coaching
➡️ CV / Cover Letter / LinkedIn Review
➡️ Job Interview Preparation
➡️ DISC Assessment
➡️ Study Counseling
➡️ Outplacement

🏢 Business Coaching
Companies benefit from hiring vital employees who successfully contribute to the results in a sustainable way. With career coaching, I support the business by creating "high-performing" teams. With commitment and expertise I use my knowledge and experience in career coaching for personal development, outplacement and staff mobility.

My mission is to enhance equal access to opportunity, conform the sustainable development goals of the UN and the goals of the Gelijke Kansen Alliantie (GKA) from the ministery of OCW. Enabling my clients to find the right job and working environment that fits their personality, talents and ambitions.

✅️ Contact
Whenever you need support or guidance, please contact me for an informal coffee meeting!

Website: www.ImpactYourCareer.com
Email: Info@ImpactYourCareer.com
Phone number: +316 3417 8488
Instagram: instagram.com/impactyourcareer/