
Elizabeth Njeru, drs.

Elizabeth Elizabeth Njeru, drs.

Loopbaan en Transitie coaching | Intercultural Competencies & Resilience coaching & training | Voor Internationals, Expats & Interculturele Teams
Badge Aspirant lid
  • Loopbaanontwikkeling
  • Stress en burnout begeleiding
  • Ontwikkeling loopbaanbeleid


  • 0642276994 (mobiel)


Weimarstraat 412 2562 HX 'S-GRAVENHAGE

Progress, not perfection. Start where you are now, with what you have.

"Empowering professionals and teams to navigate change with confidence and intercultural intelligence."

EMCC-NOBCO Accredited Coach | Certified Trainer & Consultant | HR Business Partner

Elizabeth is originally from Kenya and has been living in the Netherlands for 23 years. It is from here that she runs her coaching, consulting, and support practice for the group she calls, professionals ‘who are from elsewhere,’ or who are seen as such, and for intercultural teams and organizations.

She is co-founder and chair of the Intercultural Coaching Community of the Netherlands (NOBCO-ICC). Advocating for diversity in the available pool of professional coaches, and the efficacy of coaching in intercultural contexts.

Specializing in:
 Career and transition coaching and consulting
 Employee intercultural competence and resilience
 Team intercultural competence and resilience
 Intercultural communication

 Professional Training
 Personalized Coaching
 Strategic HR Consulting

Motto: progress not perfection Start where you are now, with what you have.


  • Bedrijfsleven (incl. samenwerkingsverbanden en social enterprises)
  • Overheidsorganisatie
  • Particuliere markt
  • Wetenschap

Lid van de volgende beroepsverenigingen

  • LVSC